Tuesday, December 6, 2011

November 2011 - Idaho to Wisconsin

Week of 11-5 thru 11-11-11 - Crescent City, CA to Oregon to Idaho:

Courtesy of Dan Nielsen

Crater Lake, OR

Strange white algae covers everything under water in the rivers near hot springs as soon as the weather turns icy!

Week 11-12 thru 11-18-11 - Boise and McCall, ID:

Installing the Christmas tree in front of the capitol building in Boise, ID

McCall, ID

Occupy Boise Movement

Sawtooth Wilderness near Stanley, ID

Week 11-19 thru 11-25-11: Eastward for Thanksgiving!

Lost River Range near Mackay, ID

Jackson, WY

Elk Shed Archway in Jackson, WY

Two herds of elk pass each other in National Elk Refuge in WY

Painted Hills of WY

Devil's Tower


  1. Just wanna say hi and let you know that you have quiet blog readers like me. I am always touched by your beautiful images.

    and where's Wisconsin in this entry? I am doing my grad school in Madison and very interested how you would see this place through your lens. Let me know if you ever drop by America's dairyland along your photography journey.

    we have been on a FES field trip together years ago.

  2. OUTSTANDING, as usual Emily! Wish I could have followed you along the journey. xoxo <3
